Infographic: What’s Possible for Health Care With EHR
The adoption of electronic health records, or EHR, in U.S. hospitals and physicians groups promises a uniform system of tracking patients' charts, X-rays and medical history. But what else is possible with advances in healthcare records? For starters, clinicians and patients will have real-time access to medical records and should be able to streamline administrative tasks, possibly reducing errors and harm, as well as improving transparency about care outcomes and quality. Like many other industries that have gone paperless, the healthcare industry stands to gain a wealth of information about its customers and colleagues, as well as promote teamwork and communication across different care settings.
This infographic, originally published on the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies site, looks at U.S. health care system goals and how they might be accomplished by implementing practices already in use in other industries, such as online banking, aviation and factory assembly lines.