The Most Epic Tweets from Epic UGM 2015

Epic Systems' users, employees and consultants tuned in for the classic television-themed Epic Users Group Meeting (UGM) 2015 at Epic headquarters in Verona, Wis., Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, and ever-cognizant to the event's intentionally over-the-top theme, Epic UGM Tweeters had a lot to say about what they saw, heard, ate, learned - and witnessed CEO Judy Faulkner wear (a Lucille Ball costume from "I Love Lucy").
"Decked out in pearls, a black and white polka dot dress, red slingback kitten heels and, of course, a towering ginger bouffant wig," according to, Faulkner shared facts on Epic Systems, introduced "I Love Lucy" clips and focused on collaboration and action in her keynote.
In our annual Tweet roundup of Epic UGM, here's how the rest of Epic UGM went:
Judy Faulkner’s costume as Lucy Ricardo from “I Love Lucy” didn’t disappoint…
Nope. It's Judy as "I Love Lucy". #ugm2015 #EpicUGM
— Qlik Epic Dev Group (@QlikEpicDevs) September 1, 2015
… which went right along with the “A Classic Episode” theme…
Enjoying 'Happy Days' here at #EpicUGM #aclassicepisode — Tracy Elmer (@telmer) August 31, 2015
…though everyone enjoyed Madison’s modern amenities, such as the Memorial Union Terrace, as well.
Mad About Madison No.63: Check out the Memorial Union Terrace! Have a great first day to everyone at #epicugm
— Dennis Sy (@densy3000) August 31, 2015
There were sessions on the future of nursing informatics…
Excellent #EpicUGM presentation by Patricia Sengstack, DNP, RN-BC, CPHIMS on the future of Nursing Informatics. Exciting opportunity ahead! — Tracy Elmer (@telmer) August 31, 2015
… physician optimization …
RT @CraigJoseph: Standing room only to hear @davidbutlermd talk about physician optimization at #UGM2015 #epicUGM
— Russ Cucina, MD (@RussCucina) September 2, 2015
… patient engagement …
The patient is the largest user of the #EHR we need them @ the table 2 develop capabilities that engage and improve care. #EpicUGM — Marc Chasin, M.D. (@M_Chasin) September 2, 2015
… population health …
Wow! What a packed day at #EpicUGM! Lots of conversations on #PopHealth, predictive analytics, Hyperspace integration
— Brad Copeland (@BradCopeland1) September 2, 2015
… predictive and prescriptive analytics …
Predictive #analytics isn't as exciting to the frontline as #Prescriptive Analytics. #EpicUGM — analyticsMD (@analyticsMD) September 2, 2015
… and physician efficiency (in whichever way works).
These guys are going to educate us about ambulatory physician efficiency? Yes! #epicUGM #UGM2015
— Craig Joseph (@CraigJoseph) September 3, 2015
The Classic Rock Party was a great way to send everyone off on the last night...
#ClassicRockParty had the house rock'in! Stay tuned to @medixteam and @DIVURGENT for more pics! #EpicUGM — DIVURGENT (@DIVURGENT) September 3, 2015
See you at Epic UGM 2016!
Had a great time and gained great insights while at #EpicUGM! Until next time.
— Tracy Elmer (@telmer) September 3, 2015